Tuzla International Airport, Romania
Aeromania is an annual airshow running over the Romanian seaside at its first editions, settled on Tuzla International Airport starting with 2007.
Until 2015, all visitors enjoied free of charge access. Starting with the 4th of July 2015, Aeromania became the first aerobatic show in Romania to be launched and promoted by a profesional ticketing system - www.EVENTIM.ro, the Romanian market leader in events ticketing. VIP tickets will be sold by Eventim for 2016 again; public access is still free of charge.
2014 Audience
•13.500 visitors – all day ( / 8500 at once)
•23 aircraft in the airshow and 18 aircraft in static display
•26 vintage cars (Retrocar)
•65 official photographers
2015 Audience
•15.500 visitors – all day ( / 8500 at once)
•28 aircraft in the airshow and 18 aircraft in static display
•29 vintage cars (Retrocar)
•92 de official photographers
The programme of the airshow is a mix of passion for music and aviation: when aircrafts fly, the music ceases to let the fans hear the noise of toured engines; when aircrafts stop, skydivers fall out of the sky and the bands play.
Guests of previous editions
•Romanian and international aerobatic pilots, for example: Jurgis Kairys (multiple European and world champion aerobatic), Aerobatic Yakkers (the only private aerobatic team in Romania), Bruce Dickinson (airplane pilot and lead singer of the famous British heavy metal band - Iron Maiden), Aeroclubul Romaniei (Hawks of Romania) etc. [endif]
•Singers and music bands – rock or pop-rock: Mihai Margineanu, Zdob si Zdub, Trupa Veche, Lupul cel Rau, Taxi, Colonist pe Luna.
