Happy Birthday to one of our best team leaders!
At the age of 23, a very enthusiastic young man, soon to become aviation engineer, joined Romanian Airport Services team back in 2008....

Green light for AEROMANIA sponsorships. Who wants in?
SPONSORHIPS PROPOSALS AEROMANIA 2nd of July 2016 GOLD SPONSOR •Associating event name with GOLD sponsor’s name (“AEROMANIA powered by...

Tuzla International Airport, Romania Aeromania is an annual airshow running over the Romanian seaside at its first editions, settled on...
Romanian Airport Services WebPage Facelift
Romanian Airport Services is delighted to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly...

See you in Romania at RAS Executive Facilities
Romanian Airport Services RAS has created recently it’s new division under RAS Executive, dealing exclusively with business aviation...

As the airlines have opened new destinations, increased the frequency of flights and lowered the ticket fares, the passenger traffic in...

RAS Executive FBO
Romanian Airport Services Executive with their operations at Aurel Vaicu International Airport is named the best FBO in Romania. We are...

VFR maps of Romania
They arrived !!! The new VFR navigation maps of 1: 500,000 of Romania are already available on www.pilotshop.ro and instore.

RAS at EBACE 2015
Romanian Airport Services promotes at EBACE 2015 all Romanian FBOs - Quality Services for Business Aviation . We also launched here...